Sunday, August 31, 2008

Some easy ways to put money in your pocket

I found a great article in Women's Day by Mary Hunt about ways to put money in your pocket. Sounds good, right? Here are the eleven ideas, in short form:
  1. Entertain the family for free. If you've got a Bank of America card you can go to a bunch of museums for free through April 2009 on the first weekend of each month. Check out
  2. Get a good rewards credit card, and then pay your balance in full each month.
  3. Gather your books and list on - get cash and pay no shipping fees!!
  4. Start a blog for free (try, and place ads on it for a small income, depending on the amount of readers
  5. Do it yourself. Pick something that you pay someone else to do, learn how to do it, and just do it.
  6. Take advantage of online rebates
  7. Shop your life insurance.
  8. Refinance your car loan
  9. Tap into H2O - switch from bottled to tap water and save a bunch!
  10. Ask for lower interest on your credit cards (just call the customer service, tell them you're receiving offers to transfer the balance but you'd like to stay if they can match the offers).
  11. Save on children's clothes. Try consignment shops.
Why not give a few of these a try and slip a few dollars back into your pocket?

1 comment:

Brandon Checketts said...

As far as selling books go, you can check out to find who is offering the most money for your used books. It includes prices from about 30 different sites including Cash4Books.