Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jump in and save!

A few weeks back I started sharing some of Mary Hunt's tips for saving, and I lost track of myself... Right now we can certainly use all of the help that we can get, so here we go again!

Jump in and pay yourself first. Before you pay any bills, buy groceries, do anything, put something into savings. I'd actually modify this to pay God first by tithing, then save next, but you get the idea. Even if it's less than you hoped to do, save something. Baby steps count!


Kathie Graham said...

Where are you referring to? Want to cooperate but unsure of where, or of how to reach you....

Unknown said...

saving is good of course but you need to balance it... don't go overboard and be needing to get into debt again!

Kathie Graham said...

Very true - as in all things - moderation!