Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Easy Things to Do Today

  1. Sell out. Go through your drawers and closets. If you're not using it, sell it on eBay or have a garage sale.
  2. Give it up. If you give up a daily coffee, candy bar, cigarettes, or for me, fountain soda, it can add up. Saving $5 a day gives you $1,825 a year!
  3. Think hard about driving. Cutting out 20 miles a week of driving will save about $5, or $260 a year.
  4. Buy used. Check out Craig's list or even giveaway sites like Freecycle.org. It takes a little time, but can save a ton.
  5. Cut the cards. It is a lot easier to spend too much money when you are using plastic (credit cards)

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