Saturday, August 2, 2008

And the garden grows..

Well, our time and work in the garden is beginning to pay off. We can now pick tomatoes, peas, and lettuce in the backyard. These beans are growing like crazy, but no veggies to eat yet. Saving money, eating healthier, and just fun :).


Liz said...

i would love to have a small garden, but i don't have space. i plant in pots though. ;)


Channah said...

I need to start a garden, but trying to find a place that the dogs won't get into.

Kathie Graham said...

It is fun trying to find just the right spot. Because of the size of our yard, and the "trample zone" where the kids play, we are relegated to a somewhat shady area behind the garage. We've figured out what grows in spite of that, but even so, everything is a bit dwarfed. Yummy, but little :).