Thursday, October 9, 2008

Saving money by reducing energy costs - last part :)

A few more tips to wrap up this little series on reducing your energy costs...
  • Think about all of the standby power being used in your home. The little green or red lights on your TV, cable box, VCR, coffeemaker, and the rest, all use power. This standby power uses between 6-30% of the average US home's electricity bill.
  • Unplug what you're not using if it's sucking up standby power. Consider a power strip to turn off several things at once (for example: computer, monitor, printer....)
  • Your computer uses up to 250 watts, so if it you leave it plugged in all of the time, but only use it about 4 hours a day, you could be wasting about $212 a year!
None of these tips are HUGE money savers, but all added together they could offer some help to the crazy bills that we'll all be facing this winter. Let me know if you have any more ideas!

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